Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
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(2012): Making Sense of Virtual Risks. A Quasi-Experimental Investigation into Game-Based Training. Amsterdam: IOS Press BV (Deltares Selected Series)
Abstract: Along with the rise of digital games over the past decades came an increased interest in using games for other purposes than entertainment. Although a few successes are known, much research seems to suggest little evidence for games' advantages. Existing literature claims that more comprehensive, rigorous, and innovative studies are needed to investigate the effective design and use of games.
To contribute to this emerging field, the author investigated the case of Levee Patroller. The target audience of this game, levee patrollers, are considered the "eyes and ears" of the Dutch water authorities. They inspect levees and report any risks they encounter. Similarly, in the game players have to find all virtual failures in a region and report these. If they do not find the failures in time or report them incorrectly, it could result in a levee breach that floods the whole virtual region. -
(2012) : The Use of Risk Information by Investors. A Simulation Study In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 235-241Keywords: Projekt, Risikoanalyse, Risikomanagement, Study, Simulation, Serious, Risk, Präsentation, ISAGA, games, Aktienhandel, App
(2004) : From scientific safety to elimination of anxiety. A risk communication support system In: Eberle, Thomas: Bridging the Gap: Bridging the gap: transforming knowledge into action through gaming and simulation: International Simulation and Gaming Association, Munich, 2004: ISAGA-Conference 2004: München: SAGSAGA
(2000) : Handling Risks In: Leigh, Elyssebeth; McLaughlan, Rob (Hg.): Anticipating the Unexpected: Conference proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the International Simulations and Gaming Association (ISAGA): Sydney: ISAGA
(1992) : A Simplified Simulation Model for Country Risk Evaluation In: Crookall, David; Arai, Kiyoshi (Hg.): Global Interdependence: Simulation and Gaming Perspectives: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag
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