Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
Alf, Tobias; Hahn, Simon; Fischer, Isabella; Zürn, Birgit; Trautwein, Friedrich (Hg.) (2024): Planspiele – interdisziplinär vernetzt. Rückblick auf das 34. Europäische Planspielforum und den Deutschen Planspielpreis 2023. Zentrum für Managementsimulation. Stuttgart (ZMS-Schriftenreihe)
DOI: Attachment: e6a102fb-b933-4970-b469-6dfd71a19899.pdf
Abstract: Mit der ZMS-Schriftenreihe (ISSN: 2192-7502) verfolgt das ZMS das Ziel, Innovationen rund um die Planspielmethode zu fördern. Die Veröffentlichung dieses Bands erfolgte in Kooperation mit der SAGSAGA, der Gesellschaft für Planspiele in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz e. V.
(2024): Facilitating Simulations. Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing
Abstract: Providing a clear starting point for the effective use of simulations in the classroom, this book showcases the unique transition from educator to facilitator. Elyssebeth E. Leigh and Laurie L. Levesque present a practical and supportive guide with a strong educational focus, ultimately encouraging a greater level of confidence in classroom simulations. Facilitating Simulations illuminates the many benefits of using games and simulations for an educational purpose, including a deep comprehension of concepts, an increase in student interaction, and adaptability to different contexts. Leigh and Levesque use a diverse range of vignettes, allowing the reader to experience various facilitation situations and understand their potential challenges, such as the possibility of a student hijacking the simulation process or unclear time constraints. Both theory and practice are engaged to encourage further simulation development and research into the benefits of this exciting educational methodology. This book is vital for scholars and academics focusing on managerial education, new teaching methods, and education. It is also a good resource for educators working with students in disciplines where practical learning advice founded in established educational theory would be valuable.
Keywords: Facilitation 2023
(2023) : Simulating the impact of cognitive biases on the mobility transition In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 30-42
Abstract: Climate change is becoming more visible, and human adaptation is required urgently to prevent greater damage. One particular domain of adaptation concerns daily mobility (work commute), with a significant portion of these trips being done in individual cars. Yet, their impact on pollution, noise, or accidents is well-known. This paper explores various cognitive biases that can explain such lack of adaptation. Our approach is to design simple interactive simulators that users can play with in order to understand biases. The idea is that awareness of such cognitive biases is often a first step towards more rational decision making, even though things are not that simple. This paper reports on interactive simulators of potential factors of resistance, and illustrates their explanatory power on various scenarios. These simulators can be played online, with the goal to provide users with food for thought about how mobility could evolve in the future. Work is still ongoing to design a user survey to evaluate their impact
(2023): Planspielbasierte Lehrveranstaltungen: Ein Vergleich zwischen Präsenz- und Onlinelehre. In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 18, S. 345-363. Online verfügbar unter
Abstract: Während der pandemiebedingten Distanzlehre mussten auch Planspiele auf ein Onlineformat umgestellt werden. Aufgrund der Komplexität der Methode war die Herausforderung hier besonders hoch. Der Beitrag analysiert anhand von Evaluationsdaten aus 124 planspielbasierten Lehrveranstaltungen, welche Ge-meinsamkeiten und Unterschiede beim Einsatz von synchronen Präsenz- und On-lineplanspielen in der Hochschullehre bestehen. Der Vergleich zeigt in mehreren Dimensionen (z. B. Lehrendenverhalten, Mitarbeit der Studierenden, Teamarbeit) zwar signifikante, allerdings eher kleine Unterschiede. Deutlichere Unterschiede zeigt der Vergleich Online/Präsenz lediglich bei haptischen Planspielen. Die Au-toren folgern, dass die Übertragung von Planspielen in die Onlinelehre insgesamt als gelungen angesehen werden kann.
(2023): The Role of Reflection in Learning with Simulation Games – A Multi-Method Quasi Experimental Research. In: Simulation & Gaming. DOI: 10.1177/10468781231194896
(2023) : Simulation Games on Sustainability – A Comparative Study In: Harteveld, Casper; Sutherland, Steven; Troiano, Giovanni; Lukosch, Heide; Meijer, Sebastiaan (Hg.): Simulation and Gaming for Social Impact, 13622: Cham: Springer International Publishing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 121-133
(2023) : Educational Effects of Gaming Simulation for Experiencing "The World Lacking Something": Through an Experimental Lessen about Society without Scientific Communication In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 20-29
Abstract: In this study, the authors introduced the learning effects of gaming simulation in which students experience “the world lacking something.” This study developed a lesson in which students experience a world without science or scientific communication as a gaming simulation of the world lacking something. Hypotheses in this study are as follows: 1) Through the games, students can realize the difference between the real world and the world lacking science, 2) By experiencing “the world lacking something,” students can realize the social significance of science. In the lesson, the students experienced the world lacking something, which was completely devoid of the formative aspiration of science and very different from the real world where discussion was not possible for the students. Thus, the students could realize the difference between the real world and the world lacking science. So, it can be said that Hypothesis 1 was backed up. Furthermore, the students learned two things through the lesson: (1) the significance of science as a medium for democratic discussions with others, (2) the significance of science for enabling them to judge democratic decisions. From the above, by experiencing the world lacking something, the students could realize the social significance of science. So, hypothesis 2 is backed up. In the near future, in order to extend the results of this study, it is necessary to examine what would happen if students did not usually have interest in science.
(2023): Talk That Talk. The Evaluation and Redesign of a Persuasive Game For Tackling Sexual Violence Among Students in Dutch Universities. Delft University of Technology, Delft.
Attachment: 8c440c8f-1bcf-4f51-8793-86c71dccf3b5.pdf
(2023) : Talk That Talk. Design and evaluation of a persuasive card game against sexually transgressive behaviour In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 54-67
Abstract: Sexually transgressive behaviour (STB) causes serious health problems for, among others, students of higher education. The persuasive card game TALK THAT TALK was designed to promote ethical bystander behaviour in STB situations and contribute to a social transition to less sexual violence. To this aim, the game facilitates Intergroup Dialogues between female and male players. A controlled experiment was conducted to evaluate the game. The outcome variables of the experiment were obtained from the literature: Willingness to Intervene, Awareness of prevalence of STB, and Bystander Responsibility. Quantitative and qualitative analyses, including validated questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, were employed to measure the game’s effects. Participants evaluated the quality of the game (session) and game experience positively and reported that meaningful intergroup dialogues about STB situations took place during the game session. As a result, in the experimental group a significant increase of the three outcome variables was observed, whereas in the control group a non-significant decrease was found. We concluded that the game TALK THAT TALK has the potential to promote ethical bystander behaviour in STB situations by facilitating an intergroup dialogue between female and male participants. Future research should establish if the results can be generalised to a more representative sample of participants and if the game effects may be improved when institutes for higher education include the game in large-scale intervention programmes against sexually transgressive behaviour.
Becu, Nicolas (2023): Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions. Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association. LIENSs laboratory, CNRS / La Rochelle University
Abstract: The proceedings of the 54th edition of the International Simulation and Gaming Conference, covers a wide range of application types such as serious games for education, participative use of simulation games, design of board games and role-playing games, gamified environments and more. Some are meant to raise awareness on specific issues, others are intended for training purposes, and still others are designed to facilitate and encourage collective action. In this publication, readers will find full papers and extended abstracts dealing with the evaluation of the effects of simulation games, including learning effects, effects on organizational or collaborative behavior, effects on motivation and engagement as well as, in a more innovative vein, effects on players' emotions. Other papers deal with design issues, analyzing role design, co-design processes or even the treatment of system complexity in game design. The use of new technologies, such as augmented reality, or the use of online educational games, are also addressed. Interestingly, several papers address the facilitation of simulation games, and seek to better characterize the facilitation role and its associated skills. Similarly, some authors propose characterizations of player profiles. Meanwhile, the 54th edition of ISAGA conference highlighted the theme of "Simulation and gaming for social and environmental transitions". The ISAGA community responded enthusiastically to this call, and these proceedings include a large number of full papers and extended abstracts that approach this theme from different angles. Readers will find a large number of simulation games dealing with the multiple challenges of transitions, from games on energy transition, low carbon, sustainable development, "limits to growth", nature-based solutions, to games on the relation to science, equity issues, or ethics in transitions. Some of these games are meant to explore various transition pathways, others are meant to encourage social awareness about critical social or environmental problems. Finally, a number of papers present critical thoughts about the role of simulation and gaming in transition processes. Some question the concept of transformational learning, others analyze the rhetoric of social change games, and still others discuss the role of simulation games in the participation of citizens in transition processes. In short, the proceedings of the 54th ISAGA conference provide a condensed overview of international research and current practices in the domain of simulation and gaming, focusing on issues of design, use and evaluation of simulation games in the present period of social and environmental transitions.
- Adam 2023 – Simulating the impact of cognitive
- Baba, Ohyama 2023 – Educational Effects of Gaming Simulation
- Baijanova, Kortmann et al. 2023 – Talk That Talk
- Boissier, Ferrand et al. 2023 – Playing with flows in transition
- Braun, Nohr et al. 2023 – Interaction for Participation
- Cossa, Alturas et al. 2023 – Pan Africa Business Simulation Games
- Gerner 2023 – Sustainability through Simulation Games
- Hallinger, Chatpinyakoop et al. 2023 – Leading Change for Sustainability
- Kameyama, Hamada et al. 2023 – Development of Car Insurance Game
- Kochar, Karklins et al. 2023 – Mirrors in Smog City
- Peters, Looze et al. 2023 – Exploring the Pitfalls of Participatory
- Sakuma, Furutani 2023 – M&A gamification scheme for acknowledging
- Taillandier, Moatty et al. 2023 – A Learning Game to promote
(2023) : Exploring the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality Games in a Formal School Environment In: Harteveld, Casper; Sutherland, Steven; Troiano, Giovanni; Lukosch, Heide; Meijer, Sebastiaan (Hg.): Simulation and Gaming for Social Impact, 13622: Cham: Springer International Publishing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 22-35
(2023) : Playing with flows in transition territories In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 118-131
Abstract: These environmental and social challenges of the Anthropocene require us to imagine and implement alternatives to the current global economic organization. Accounting in biophysical flows (material, energy, land use, …) is one grid of analysis providing insights on the alternatives’ sustainability (strong sustainability and ecological economics frameworks). These tools are indeed relevant to highlight systemic effects (interdisciplinary understandings, spatial and temporal scales) on resources and important pressures to consider for the transformation of territories. If this biophysical flow vision may be very useful, it however remains for expert use only. However, one of the challenges of transition territories is to involve the populations in participatory processes in order to put their knowledge, wishes and specific capacities for action in synergy. Among the several participatory tools, serious games have long since proven their ability to sensitize to sustainability issues, facilitate learning and support changes. This paper presents an exploratory work to get insights on how playing with material and energy flows, fostering biophysical accounting and systemic vision learning to support stakeholders in territories’ transitions. A first work on literature aims at understanding how resource flows are involved in existing sustainability games. We then present three experiments we made to play with material and energy flows analysis: one first game focusing on biophysical accounting, two games aimed at pointing out systemic effects on resources and three workshops in which an energy flow analysis diagram was discussed with stakeholders in a territory involved in resource management participatory process.
(2023) : Interaction for Participation - The hybrid threshold experience as a participatory transformation process in the citizen participation game In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 88-94
Abstract: The idea of translating citizen participation processes into hybrid games is ubiquitous. This decision is usually justified by the possibility of simplifying complex issues and using real data. However, hybridization as a combination digital and physical space offers another advantage that has not been highlighted so far: By creating a digital threshold, it enables a highly accessible transformation from participants to players. In citizen participation processes, a wide range of social groups encounter, thus the reduction of (social and gaming) inhibition is even more important for broad participation. While these benefits of the digital space are of great relevance, especially for the start of a game, the physical space creates an equally large opportunity of transparency and direct exchange. Particularly in mobility transformation, there is a need to sensitize citizens for the topic and make sure that they are engaged to get honest and thoughtful responses, so creating transparency is especially important. Based on the development of the citizen participation game UTurn, the authors took a closer look at the problem of participation as well as its solution by establishing a threshold. The following article therefore aims to shed light on this very establishment of a threshold experience in hybrid citizen participation processes and to debate its potentials and hurdles.
(2023) : Resto Quest – A Serious Game on the Restorative Effects of Immersive Virtual Environments In: Harteveld, Casper; Sutherland, Steven; Troiano, Giovanni; Lukosch, Heide; Meijer, Sebastiaan (Hg.): Simulation and Gaming for Social Impact, 13622: Cham: Springer International Publishing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 199-213
(2023) : Pan Africa Business Simulation Games: The ITIS Case Study In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 142-149
Abstract: Economists have demonstrated a positive correlation between management quality and the country's economic performance. In turn, business simulation games have shown their educational effectiveness in developing management skills crucial for African countries. However, its use is still nascent. Although they present different characteristics favorable to its implementation, for example, The African Continental Free Trade Area, the Digital Transformation Strategy Project for Africa (2020-2030), and The Pan-Africa Games Group, they also present singular characteristics such as the predominance of the informal sector, political instability, and high corruption rates. These factors influence the designing and adoption of the Pan-African Business Simulation Games Framework suitable for this specific context. This proposal aims to contribute a gaming framework to support collaborative development and appropriation by the end-users and Multi-User with content representative of their contextual diversity. The successful EVER project and Bootcamp created by the Mozambican firm ITIS, which adopted a lean startup methodology to add local content in Business Games, can inspire the Pan African Business Simulations Games - PABSG.
(2023) : About Dinosaurs in Laboratories - Evaluation of the Serious Game Cards for Biosafety In: Harteveld, Casper; Sutherland, Steven; Troiano, Giovanni; Lukosch, Heide; Meijer, Sebastiaan (Hg.): Simulation and Gaming for Social Impact, 13622: Cham: Springer International Publishing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 52-65
(2023) : Stop Work: Serious Games as Intervention Method to Enhance Safety Behavior In: Harteveld, Casper; Sutherland, Steven; Troiano, Giovanni; Lukosch, Heide; Meijer, Sebastiaan (Hg.): Simulation and Gaming for Social Impact, 13622: Cham: Springer International Publishing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 134-148
(2023) : Artificial Intelligence meets Serious Gaming In: Klein, Maike; Krupka, Daniel; Winter, Cornelia; Wohlgemuth, Volker (Hg.): INFORMATIK 2023 Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, S. 437-438
(2023) : Sustainability through Simulation Games? Towards Designing a Research Agenda for Transformational Learning In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 10-19
Abstract: Learning sustainability is closely linked with transformational competencies. Exploring formats and corresponding experiential methods are conducive to acquiring sustainability-related competencies. Simulation games are formats involving elements of experiential learning and qualifying for simulated realities of sustainable transformation. Research designs addressing experiential learning for sustainability are to adopt their logic and inherent principles. Considering simulation games in a paradigmatic way enables realizing their transformational potential for learning sustainability. This contribution advocates establishing a research design for experiential learning through simulation games driven by grounded theory, and embedded into an analytic and systematic reflection on teaching and learning.
(2023) : Leading Change for Sustainability - Business: Preliminary Evaluation of a Sustainability Simulation for Management Education In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 95-105
Abstract: Simulations are among the active learning strategies advocates have claimed as well-suited for teaching and learning about sustainability challenges and solutions. Recent reviews of research have, however, identified a need for simulations that address a broader range of sustainability issues. This is also the case in management education, where the predominant paradigm focuses on traditional shareholder value-based conceptions of corporate responsibility. This article presents the new sustainability-oriented, online computer simulation, Leading Change for Sustainability-Business. The authors present preliminary evaluation data from a study of 87 students who learned with the simulation in a Master of Management program in Thailand. Data analyses focus on student's engagement with the simulation and their perceptions of its efficacy as an online learning tool. The relevance of this research was enhanced due to the fact that the study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic when all university courses were executed in a fully online learning mode. Initial results support the efficacy of the Leading Change for SustainabilityBusiness simulation as a helpful tool for learning how to apply knowledge of change management to the challenges of corporate transformation for sustainability. More broadly, the results affirm the viability of simulation-based learning when used in a fully online mode of instruction at the university level.
(2023) : Gaming Simulation Design to Learn Best Mixes of Power Sources In: Harteveld, Casper; Sutherland, Steven; Troiano, Giovanni; Lukosch, Heide; Meijer, Sebastiaan (Hg.): Simulation and Gaming for Social Impact, 13622: Cham: Springer International Publishing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 149-162