Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
Treffer: 15
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(2012) : Simulation Game Support for Marketing Decision Problem Solving In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 35-52Keywords: CAPSIM, Simulation, Entscheidungstheorie, Decision, ISAGA, Train-the-Trainer, Marketing, Fortbildung
(2009) : "World of Uncertainty". A Computer Game of Decision Makers In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 53-56Keywords: Computer, Entscheidungsfindung, Spiel, Computersimulation, Decision, ISAGA, Erziehungswissenschaften, Game, Unsicherheit
(2005) : Motivation Styles to Speak Out, Decision Rules, and Group Size as Determinants of Group Decision Making. Simulation of Meetings In: Shiratori, Rei; Arai, Kiyoshi; Kato, Fumitoshi (Hg.): Gaming, Simulations, and Society: Research Scope and Perspective: ISAGA-Conference 2003: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, S. 149-158
(2003) : Total enterprise simulations: assessing student learning across decision periods In: Percival, Fred; Godfrey, Hellen; Laybourn, Phyllis; Murray, Sarah (Hg.): Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The International Simulation and Gaming Yearbook: ISAGA-Conference 2002: Edinburgh
(1996) : INES: Decision support by knowledge-based simulation In: Garcia-Carbonell, Amparo; Watts, Frances (Hg.): Simulation now!: Learning through experience: The Challenge of Change: ISAGA-Conference 1995: Diputacio de Valencia, S. 265-272
(1996) : Tecnicas de simulacion para toma de decisiones en neurocirugia In: Garcia-Carbonell, Amparo; Watts, Frances (Hg.): Simulation now!: Learning through experience: The Challenge of Change: ISAGA-Conference 1995: Diputacio de Valencia, S. 125-132
(1992) : Strategic Decision Making in Business Gaming In: Crookall, David; Arai, Kiyoshi (Hg.): Global Interdependence: Simulation and Gaming Perspectives: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, S. 279-286
(1992) : On Problem Solving and Decision Making of MUSAS, a Musical Arrangement System In: Crookall, David; Arai, Kiyoshi (Hg.): Global Interdependence: Simulation and Gaming Perspectives: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag
(1992) : Strategy Formation in Universities. Changing Strategic Decision Processes of Loosely Coupled Systems Through Information Technologies In: Crookall, David; Arai, Kiyoshi (Hg.): Global Interdependence: Simulation and Gaming Perspectives: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, S. 338-339
(1989) : Designing and evaluating decision support systems. A group DSS for international transfer pricing In: Klabbers, Jan; Scheper, Willem J.; Takkenberg, Cees; Crookall, David (Hg.): Simulation-Gaming: On the Improvement of Competence in Dealing with Complexity, Uncertainty and Value Conflicts: ISAGA-Conference 1988: Pergamon Press, S. 203-209Keywords: Group, Evaluation, Decision-Making, Entscheidungsfindung, Gruppe, Decision, Entscheidung, ISAGA
(1976) : Taller de trabajo en analisis de politicas para altos ejecutivos de toma de decisiones In: Bolivar, Simon: TOMO I: Carcas (ISAGA)
(1976) : Asentamientos humanos y entrenamiento de administradores urbanos usando la tecnica de juegos o simulacion de decisiones In: Bolivar, Simon: TOMO I: Carcas (ISAGA)
(1976) : Un Proyecto de investigacion cooperativa entre e.u.a. y la u.r.s.s. sobre el uso de simulation y toma de decisiones en la administracion de la education In: Bolivar, Simon: TOMO II: Carcas (ISAGA)
: Modelling as decision support for road traffic safety management In: Peters, Vincent; van Westelaken, Marleen de (Hg.): Organizing and Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The 38th Conference: ISAGA-Conference 2007: Nijmegen
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