Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
(2022) : Manipulation Through Gamification and Gaming In: Kikkawa, Toshiko: Gaming as a Cultural Commons: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities. Unter Mitarbeit von Willy C. Kriz und Junkichi Sugiura: Singapore: Springer (Translational Systems Sciences Ser), S. 185-199Keywords: Embodied experience, Debriefing, Codes of ethics, Facilitation, Gamification, Manipulation
(2022) : The Current Status of Japanese Game Players and Its Impact on the Society In: Kikkawa, Toshiko: Gaming as a Cultural Commons: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities. Unter Mitarbeit von Willy C. Kriz und Junkichi Sugiura: Singapore: Springer (Translational Systems Sciences Ser), S. 73-89
(2022) : Code of Conduct for Facilitators and the Ethics of Debriefing In: Kikkawa, Toshiko: Gaming as a Cultural Commons: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities. Unter Mitarbeit von Willy C. Kriz und Junkichi Sugiura: Singapore: Springer (Translational Systems Sciences Ser), S. 127-147
(2022) : Ethics and Simulation Games in a Cultural Context: Why Should We Bother? And What Can We Learn? In: Kikkawa, Toshiko: Gaming as a Cultural Commons: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities. Unter Mitarbeit von Willy C. Kriz und Junkichi Sugiura: Singapore: Springer (Translational Systems Sciences Ser), S. 149-167
(2021): Design of an Impulse-Debriefing-Spiral for Simulation Game Facilitation (52), S. 364-385. Online verfügbar unter
Abstract: Simulation gaming sessions can be understood as a sequence of briefing, game play, and debriefing - with feedback loops and iterative steps in between. Often, these sessions are supported by a facilitator, who organizes the session, sets learning goals, and guides the players through briefing, game play and debriefing (Taylor, Backlund & Niklasson, 2012), which we call facilitation. Debriefing is a vital part of the facilitation process, as according to Crookall (2010) and Kriz (2010), it facilitates learning. Contrary to many traditional models that locate the debriefing phase at the very end of a simulation gaming session, we conceptualize debriefing as reflection moments during the whole session, in which participants have the opportunity to reflect on their game play, experiences, and learnings. Facilitation is the process of enabling participants to address challenging situations of the game play, and make connections between the game play and the real environment the game refers to throughout the simulation gaming session.
(2021) : Real World Learning: Simulation and Gaming In: Morley, Dawn A.; Jamil, Md Golam (Hg.): Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum: 1st ed. 2021: Cham: Springer International Publishing, Imprint Palgrave Macmillan (Springer eBook Collection), S. 187-213
(2021): Design of an Impulse-Debriefing-Spiral for Simulation Game Facilitation. In: Simulation & Gaming 52 (3), S. 364-365. DOI: 10.1177/10468781211006752
(2020) : From Entertainment to Seriousness. How to translate Entertainment Games into Simulation Games In: Alf, Tobias; Hühn, Christian; Trautwein, Friedrich, Zürn, Birgit (Hg.): Planspiele - Anders denken: Kreative Ansätze, gelebte Wissenschaft: Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH (ZMS-Schriftenreihe), S. 29-41
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss how the development of simulation games can benefit from successful elements in entertainment games. Therefore, we will describe the entertainment game Citadels (Faidutti 2000) and inform about the related development process of the simulation game MachiaCELLi. MachiaCELLi is a physical simulation game that is being used in the interface between research and policy making. The focus of our contribution is on the analysis of the game mechanics of Citadels, our considerations and transfer of selected mechanics to MachiaCELLi, as well as the adjustments of the learning mechanics, and the inclusion of a debriefing phase. The paper concludes with a discussion of lessons learned and recommendations for future work.
(2019) : Differences between Facilitator-guided and Self-guided Debriefing on the Attitudes of University Students In: Wardaszko, Marcin: Simulation and Gaming: through times and across disciplines: Past and future - heritage and progress: ISAGA 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings 2019: Warsaw: SpringerLink, S. 617-628
(2019) : The Tacit Knowledge in Games: From Validation to Debriefing In: Wardaszko, Marcin: Simulation and Gaming: through times and across disciplines: Past and future - heritage and progress: ISAGA 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings 2019: Warsaw: SpringerLink, S. 298-308
(2018) : The Effects of Debriefing on the Performance and Attitude of Japanese University Students In: Lukosch, Heide; Bekebrede, Geertje; Kortmann, Rens (Hg.): Simulation Gaming: Application for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures: 48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017: Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 173-180
Abstract: The present study examined the effects of debriefing on 171 Japanese
university students as part of an international collaboration between Austria and
Japan. There were eight experimental conditions, as follows: control group
without treatment, fun game with no debriefing, Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) game
with no debriefing, PD game with self-completed debriefing, PD game with
guided written debriefing, PD game with guided written debriefing and a conceptual
frame, no game but reading of a text, and no game but study of a picture.
Following completion of these activities, groups of four participants then played
the Highway Planning Game [1], which deals with cooperation and conflict.
Although performance during the Highway Planning Game did not significantly
differ among the groups (probably because of the small number of groups), there
were interesting differences in terms of performance and attitudes that will
stimulate further research. -
(2018) : Knowledge Management of Games for Decision Making In: Lukosch, Heide; Bekebrede, Geertje; Kortmann, Rens (Hg.): Simulation Gaming: Application for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures: 48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017: Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 24-33
Abstract: Games for decision making have developed into a powerful
tool for corporations. Irrespective of their size, corporations have been
increasingly using these games in order to evaluate and ascertain impactful
business decisions and strategies. Despite their proven added value
to the decision making process, there is still lack of research on whether,
and if so how, these games can be used by researchers and practitioners
to build evidents on systems' behavior, as part of a larger scheme. To
this effect, this paper proposes a framework to determine the different
artifacts of games that should be logged and stored for future use. 2017
(2017) : Demystifying the unseen helmsman . Towards a competency model for game facilitators TU Delft und Samenspraak Advies / HAN University of Applied Science . Online verfügbar unter
(2015): FOUNTAINS: Table-Top Simulation Game on Acculturation Strategies. In: Simulation & Gaming 46 (1), S. 113-126. DOI: 10.1177/1046878115591248
Kriz, Willy C. (2014): The Shift from Teaching to Learning. Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning through Gaming Simulation. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag
Keywords: Proceedings, Konferenz, Evaluation, Logistik, Krisenmanagement, Debriefing, Partizipation, ISAGA, Design, Motivation, ManagementBeiträge zu diesem Sammelband:- Angelini, Garcia-Carbonell et al. 2014 – Student Perceptions of Gain
- Auchter, Kriz 2014 – The Impact to Business Simulations
- Azhari, Raghothama et al. 2014 – A Design and Implementation
- Bergmann 2014 – Flexible and User-Oriented Development
- Chasteen 2014 – Simulation for Strategy Courses
- Feng, Riedel 2014 – The Knowledge Creating Process
- Frank 2014 – The Instructor Role during Educational
- Geithner, Menzel et al. 2014 – Team processes in interdisciplinary projects
- Jakubowski 2014 – Designing Gamified Course for Students
- Junkichi 2014 – Using the Stakeholders Simulation Game
- Karl 2014 – Developing Market Analysis Models Based
- Kikkawa 2014 – Role of Play
- Kitani, Hasebe 2014 – The Influence of Formal Mindsets
- Knogler, Lewalter 2014 – What Makes Simulation Games Motivating
- Koops, Verheul et al. 2014 – Comparing Learning Gain and Flow
- Kurapati, Groen et al. 2014 – Microgames in Practice
- Lo, Meijer 2014 – The Debriefing of Research Games
- Mallon 2014 – Townlands: Designing an Online Game
- Mizuyama, Yamamiya 2014 – A Prototype Prediction Market Game
- Sakonnakron, Rizzi 2014 – Conceptualizing the Essential Role
- Tan 2014 – GamEducation
- Teach, Teach 2014 – Fundamentals of Game Design
- Tipton, Leigh 2014 – What Is Being Simulated
- Titton 2014 – The Relation Between Individual
- Toyoda, Kanegae et al. 2014 – Gaming Simulation for Community-Based Disaster
- Wardaszko 2014 – Hotel Stars
- Wechselberger 2014 – Genuine Guitars and Game Enjoyment
- Wolfe 2014 – Regulatory Focus Insights Into Business
(2014) : The Debriefing of Research Games. A Structured Approach for the Validation of Gaming Simulation Outcomes In: Kriz, Willy C.: The Shift from Teaching to Learning: Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning through Gaming Simulation: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 88-99
(2014) : The Impact of relevant Experience and Debriefing Questions on Participants' Perception of Gaming Simulation In: Kriz, Willy C.: Back to the Future of Gaming: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 200-213
(2013) : Risk Communication for Community-Relationship Enhancement Through a Gaming Simulation In: Otoiu, Cătălina; Otoiu, George (Hg.): The Journey of Change: Mapping the Process: 43rd International Simulation and Gaming Association annual Conference. ISAGA-Conference 2012: Cluj-Napoca: IDEA, S. 13-27
(2012) : Reflection On a Structured Game Design Approach for a Market Model Design In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 223-233
Attachment: 37e703d4-5acf-45f4-9d43-9553ee38b8b2.pdf
Keywords: Marktmodell, Workshop, Reflexion, Reflection, Debriefing, Market, Design, Elektrofahrzeug, Model, Planspielentwicklung, Weiterbildung -
(2012) : Anwendungstransfer bei Lehrerfortbildungen zu Unternehmensplanspielen In: Schwägele, Sebastian; Zürn, Birgit; Trautwein, Friedrich (Hg.): Planspiele - Trends in der Forschung: Rückblick auf den Deutschen Planspielpreis 2011: Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH (ZMS-Schriftenreihe), S. 63-85
Abstract: Das Ziel der Arbeit war es, einen Beitrag im Bereich der empirischen Wirksamkeitsprüfung in der Lehrerfortbildung zu leisten. Denn offenbar haben die neu erworbenen Kompetenzen der Lehrer im Kollegium und in schulischen oder pädagogischen Dimensionen kaum Effekte und ein Transfer in die Schule bleibt gering. Dazu wurden nach der Durchführung von zwei Planspielfortbildungen persönliche Interviews geführt. Die Frage nach der Umsetzung des Gelernten in die Unterrichtspraxis rückte dabei in den Mittelpunkt. Entscheidend war hierbei zu ergründen, aufgrund welcher Gegebenheiten der Planspieleinsatz aus Sicht der Lehrkräfte in der Schule erschwert oder verhindert wird. Überdies wurde auch nach Transferfördermöglichkeiten gefragt. Diese Fragestellungen wurden im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit, welche vom Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg betreut wurde, untersucht. Aufbauend auf dem Rahmenmodell des Trainingstransfers nach Baldwin &
Keywords: Schule, Forschung, Lerntransfer, Auswertung, Debriefing, Planspielpreis, BWL, Unternehmensplanspiel, Planspiel, Fortbildung -
(2012) : New Product. An Integrated Simulation Game In Business In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 63-75Keywords: Produktion, Prüfung, Wirtschaftspädagogik, Business, Debriefing, Education, ISAGA, Produktentwicklung, Planspielkongress, Topsim