Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
(2019) : Learning from a Business Simulation Game: A Factor-Analytic Study In: Wardaszko, Marcin: Simulation and Gaming: through times and across disciplines: Past and future - heritage and progress: ISAGA 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings 2019: Warsaw: SpringerLink, S. 526-540Keywords: competitiveness, Business, Experiential, Skills, ISAGA, Goal-orientation, Learning, collaborative
(2019) : Shaping social change - A cyber-physical business game on the working life of the future In: Wardaszko, Marcin: Simulation and Gaming: through times and across disciplines: Past and future - heritage and progress: ISAGA 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings 2019: Warsaw: SpringerLink
(2019) : Comparison of Experience of Using Business Games in University of Lodz and Kaunas University of Technology In: Wardaszko, Marcin: Simulation and Gaming: through times and across disciplines: Past and future - heritage and progress: ISAGA 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings 2019: Warsaw: SpringerLink, S. 501-509
(2019) : Little Things Mean a Lot in Simulations In: Wardaszko, Marcin: Simulation and Gaming: through times and across disciplines: Past and future - heritage and progress: ISAGA 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings 2019: Warsaw: SpringerLink, S. 171-184
(2018) : Learning Change Management by Using a Business Simulation Game. A Portuguese-German Partnership In: Hühn, Christian; Schwägele, Sebastian; Zürn, Birgit; Bartschat, Daniel; Trautwein, Friedrich (Hg.): Planspiele - Interaktion gestalten: Über die Vielfalt der Methode: Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH (ZMS-Schriftenreihe), S. 159-172
Abstract: Change management is a very complex issue, because it lies on items that cannot
(2018) : Development of BASE Manufacturing Business Board Game In: Lukosch, Heide; Bekebrede, Geertje; Kortmann, Rens (Hg.): Simulation Gaming: Application for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures: 48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017: Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 34-40
Abstract: The authors developed a board business game of manufacturing
called BASE Manufacturing Game (BMG) to provide an opportunity to learn
business for engineers. The purpose of development includes management,
accounting, and to increase learner's motivation for further studies. By using
Questionnaires, the authors proved incredible teaching effectiveness. BMG is a
standard for following BASE business games and authors have been continuing
board development in Japan and Thailand. -
(2018) : A Framework for Developing Multi-Layered Networks of Active Neurons for Simulation Experiments and Model-Based Business Games Using Self-Organizing Data Mining with the Group Method of Data Handling In: Lukosch, Heide; Bekebrede, Geertje; Kortmann, Rens (Hg.): Simulation Gaming: Application for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures: 48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017: Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 191-199
Abstract: Artificial Neural Networks make it possible to develop faster modelbased
business games, but in general, they are neither easy to develop nor easy
to understand. This paper presents a highly automated framework for developing
Multi-Layered Networks of Active Neurons for simulation experiments and
model-based business games using self-organizing data mining with the Group
Method of Data Handling. It discusses some of the results from international
research done in Europe, Australia, and most recently at Walla Walla University
in College Place, Washington, USA.Keywords: Data, Group, Active, Handling, (MLNAN), (ANNs), Neurons, Business, Networks, Artificial, of, Multi-Layered, Simulations, Method, Model-based, games, Neural, (GMDH) 2014
(2014) : Business Wargames zur Entwicklung von Strategien In: Schwägele, Sebastian; Zürn, Birgit; Trautwein, Friedrich (Hg.): Planspiele - Erleben, was kommt: Entwicklung von Zukunftsszenarien und Strategien: Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH (ZMS-Schriftenreihe), S. 19-32
(2014): Simulation and Gaming in Construction Business. Design of a module-oriented modeling approach based on system dynamics and its prototypical implementation in research and education. Promotion. Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg-Essen. Ingenieurwissenschaft. Online verfügbar unter _blank.
(2014) : Developing Market Analysis Models Based on Decision Making in Business Games In: Kriz, Willy C.: The Shift from Teaching to Learning: Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning through Gaming Simulation: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 275-286
(2012) : Extension of Computer Business Game. Connection with Real Market In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 77-83
Attachment: 6898b59f-51e7-4b20-8e9c-0b33a9796c63.pdf
(2012) : Social Responsibility of Business Simulation Games In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 27-33
Attachment: e6510df1-7110-4d17-a84e-1dcc9d461515.pdf
Keywords: Business, Blogparade, Nachhaltigkeit, CSR, BWL, Unternehmensplanspiel, Planspiel, Verantwortung -
(2012): An Analysis of Business Culture Based on Complex Adaptative Systems. A Comparison of Group Decision Making Systems in Japan, China and Hong Kong. In: Studies in Simulation & Gaming (22), S. 25-38
(2012) : The Development and Use of a Simulation Platform to Foster Polish-American Sister City Entrepreneurial Business In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 287-292
(2012) : New Product. An Integrated Simulation Game In Business In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 63-75Keywords: Produktion, Prüfung, Wirtschaftspädagogik, Business, Debriefing, Education, ISAGA, Produktentwicklung, Planspielkongress, Topsim
(2012) : How to Support a B2B Sales Process by Using a Business Simulation Game In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 193-207Keywords: FHGraubünden, Planspieltag, Simulation, B2B, Vertrieb, Business, Verkaufsprozess, ISAGA, Game
(2011) : Genki Hospital. A Simulation For Hospital Management Education Using A Business-game-based Learning Object Model (BLOM) In: Beran, Martin: Changing the world through meaningful play: Abstracts and Papers: ISAGA-Conference 2010: Spokane, S. 73-80Keywords: Hospital, Ausbildung, Simulation, Krankenhaus, Business, Education, ISAGA, Learning, Lernen, Management
(2011) : Power Players In The Classroom. Student Power And Influence In Team-Based Business Simulations In: Beran, Martin: Changing the world through meaningful play: Abstracts and Papers: ISAGA-Conference 2010: Spokane, S. 94-97
(2011) : Intelligent Techniques In Business Games And Simulations - A Hybrid Approach In: Beran, Martin: Changing the world through meaningful play: Abstracts and Papers: ISAGA-Conference 2010: Spokane, S. 81-86
(2011) : A Business Simulation and Planning Tool for Optimization of Business In: Beran, Martin: Changing the world through meaningful play: Abstracts and Papers: ISAGA-Conference 2010: Spokane, S. 27-33