Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
Treffer: 8
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(2019) : Framework and application of live video streaming as a virtual reality gaming technology: a study of function and performance In: Wardaszko, Marcin: Simulation and Gaming: through times and across disciplines: Past and future - heritage and progress: ISAGA 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings 2019: Warsaw: SpringerLink, S. 405-415
(2012): ISAGA at 40: Looking Back, Looking Forward - With a Little Help from S&G. In: Simulation & Gaming 43 (1), S. 15-22. Online verfügbar unter
Abstract: [Original Abstract] In this editorial, we explore the growth of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) and Simulation &
Keywords: Rollenspiel, Umwelt, interdisziplinär, Kultur, Autor, ISAGA, Wachstum, international, Video, Planspiel 2005
(2005) : Prefrontal Cortex Deactivation During Video Game Play In: Shiratori, Rei; Arai, Kiyoshi; Kato, Fumitoshi (Hg.): Gaming, Simulations, and Society: Research Scope and Perspective: ISAGA-Conference 2003: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, S. 101-109
(2005) : The Quantity and Context of Video Game Violence in Japan. Toward Creating an Ethical Standard In: Shiratori, Rei; Arai, Kiyoshi; Kato, Fumitoshi (Hg.): Gaming, Simulations, and Society: Research Scope and Perspective: ISAGA-Conference 2003: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, S. 111-120
(2003) : Developing a better business game. Learning from social simulation research and video games In: Percival, Fred; Godfrey, Hellen; Laybourn, Phyllis; Murray, Sarah (Hg.): Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The International Simulation and Gaming Yearbook: ISAGA-Conference 2002: Edinburgh
(1995): Steuerliche Planspiele. Anforderungen, Leistungsvermögen und Eignungsprüfung steuerlicher Planspiele als Instrumente steuerlicher Ausbildung, Forschung. Bielefeld: Erich Schmidt (Management, Rechnungslegung und Unternehmensbesteuerung)
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