Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS

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  • 2013

  • Wardaszko, Marcin (2013): Application of decision-making simulation games in teaching management skills. Promotion. Kozminski University, Kozminski. Wirtschaft.
  • 2012

  • Koops, Martijn (2012) : Tools to Teach Game Design to Teachers In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 99-106
  • 2009

  • Bagdonas, Eugenijus; Patasiene, Irena; Dagiene, Valentina; Skvernys, Vytautas; Patasius, Martynas (2009) : Web-based Business Game for multidisciplinary teaching In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 189-194
  • Teach, Joan (2009) : Teaching Teachers to Teach. A Game-Frame approach In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 195-198
  • 2006

  • Novik, Mila M. (2006) : Innovation and Educational Technology of Teaching in Management (specificity, correlation and result of using) In: Porkhovnik, Yuli: Reality and Game: Abstracts and papers of the 37th Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association ISAGA: ISAGA-Conference 2006: St. Petersburg, Russland: St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, S. 366-370
  • Shoptenko, Vyacheslav; Kaisin, Dmitry V.; Konanchuk, Denis S. (2006) : International Management Game - an integrated tool for teaching strategic management internationally In: Porkhovnik, Yuli: Reality and Game: Abstracts and papers of the 37th Annual Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association ISAGA: ISAGA-Conference 2006: St. Petersburg, Russland: St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, S. 335-352
  • 2003

  • Centaro, Sara; Impellizzeri, Francesco (2003) : The simulation game and the debriefing in the teaching of history In: Percival, Fred; Godfrey, Hellen; Laybourn, Phyllis; Murray, Sarah (Hg.): Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The International Simulation and Gaming Yearbook: ISAGA-Conference 2002: Edinburgh
  • 2000

  • Rising, Beverly; Garcia-Carbonell, Amparo; Montero Fleta, Begona; Watts, Frances (2000) : Administrator characteristics and their Influence on Learning through Simulation/Gaming In: Leigh, Elyssebeth; McLaughlan, Rob (Hg.): Anticipating the Unexpected: Conference proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the International Simulations and Gaming Association (ISAGA): Sydney: ISAGA
  • 1996

  • Machuca, J.A.D.; Domingo, M. A.; Garcia, R.; Gonzalez, M. M. (1996) : The evaluation of transparent-box games: A comparison with other teaching In: Garcia-Carbonell, Amparo; Watts, Frances (Hg.): Simulation now!: Learning through experience: The Challenge of Change: ISAGA-Conference 1995: Diputacio de Valencia, S. 387-396
  • 1994

  • Gonceasenko, A.; Mardari, A.; Pinzari, A.; Miron, I.; Ruga, E.; Shinghirei, V.; Vizdoga, L. (1994) : Utilization of Computers in Teaching English for Special Purposes (ESP) In: Radaceanu, Eduard: Reform and Progress helped by Simulation & Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Bukarest: Iroma, S. 96-97
  • Wolfe, Joseph (1994) : Experiences with Transferring American Business School Faculty, Theory and Teaching Methods to a Post-socialist Economy. A Delphi Panel Study In: Radaceanu, Eduard: Reform and Progress helped by Simulation & Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Bukarest: Iroma
  • 1988

  • Gonzalez, Jose J.; Myrtveit, Magne; Vavik, Lars (1988) : Teaching about the AIDS epidemic through simulation and games on a microcomputer In: Crookall, David; Klabbers, Jan; Coote, Alan; Saunders, Danny; Cecchini, Arnaldo; Piane, Alberta (Hg.): Simulation-Gaming in Education and Training: Proceedings of the International Simulation and Gaming Association's 18th International Conference: ISAGA-Conference 1987: Oxford: Pergamon Press, S. 59-66
  • Panjabi, Ranee K. L. (1988) : The Italian Renaissance: A model for the use of simulation and other teaching methods in a Canadian university In: Crookall, David; Klabbers, Jan; Coote, Alan; Saunders, Danny; Cecchini, Arnaldo; Piane, Alberta (Hg.): Simulation-Gaming in Education and Training: Proceedings of the International Simulation and Gaming Association's 18th International Conference: ISAGA-Conference 1987: Oxford: Pergamon Press, S. 80-85
  • Holopainen, Jussi; Björk, Staffan; Kuitinnen, Jussi : Teaching Gameplay Design Patterns In: Peters, Vincent; van Westelaken, Marleen de (Hg.): Organizing and Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The 38th Conference: ISAGA-Conference 2007: Nijmegen

    Keywords: Lehre, Teaching, Spiel, ISAGA, Play, Game
  • Pereira, Lui­s; Carvalho, Ana Amelia : Is it really possible to teach with videogames? In: Peters, Vincent; van Westelaken, Marleen de (Hg.): Organizing and Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The 38th Conference: ISAGA-Conference 2007: Nijmegen
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