Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
Treffer: 2
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(2014) : The Knowledge Creating Process in New Product Development Teams in Simulation Game - a Literature Review In: Kriz, Willy C.: The Shift from Teaching to Learning: Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning through Gaming Simulation: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 123-132
(2012) : New Product. An Integrated Simulation Game In Business In: Bielecki, Witold; Gandziarowska-Ziolecka, Jagoda; Pikos, Anna; Wardaszko, Marcin (Hg.): Bonds & Bridges: Facing the Challenges of the Globalizing World with the Use of Simulation and Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 2011: Warsaw: Poltext Ltd, S. 63-75Keywords: Produktion, Prüfung, Wirtschaftspädagogik, Business, Debriefing, Education, ISAGA, Produktentwicklung, Planspielkongress, Topsim
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