Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
Treffer: 6
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(2004) : Crossroad: Kobe. A training tool for disaster preparedness and response In: Eberle, Thomas: Bridging the Gap: Bridging the gap: transforming knowledge into action through gaming and simulation: International Simulation and Gaming Association, Munich, 2004: ISAGA-Conference 2004: München: SAGSAGA, S. 245-253
(2001) : How to Apply Process-Oriented Business Gaming to Information Systems Curriculum In: Musci, Elena: On the Edge of the Millennium: A New Foundation for Gaming Simulation: ISAGA-Conference 2001: Bari: Edizioni B.A. Graphis, S. 106-111
(2001) : Simulation as a Method to Improve Processes and Quality - Some Experiences of the Simulation Processes at the University of Vaasa In: Rahnu, Leen: Bridging the Information and Knowledge Societies: ISAGA-Conference 2000: Tartu
(1997) : Take Five - Gaming/Simulation Design Process In: Bisters, Valdis: Simulation and Gaming for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association ISAGA: ISAGA-Conference 1996: Riga, Lettland: Environmental Publishers "Vide", S. 251-259
(1992) : A Simulation Approach to Process Modeling in Information Systems Analysis and Design In: Crookall, David; Arai, Kiyoshi (Hg.): Global Interdependence: Simulation and Gaming Perspectives: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag
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