Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS
Treffer: 5
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(2009) : The Assessment of Key Pedagogical Objectives using ProfitPlanner Board Game in Diversified Environment In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 31-37Keywords: Assessment, Pädagogik, Unternehmenssimulation, ISAGA, Strategie, Management, multikulturell
(2009) : Unexpected multicultural experiential learning In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 19-22Keywords: Gaming, Simulation, interkulturell, Lerntheorie, ISAGA, intercultural, Planspiel, multikulturell
(2004) : Team and organisation development for multicultural groups In: Eberle, Thomas: Bridging the Gap: Bridging the gap: transforming knowledge into action through gaming and simulation: International Simulation and Gaming Association, Munich, 2004: ISAGA-Conference 2004: München: SAGSAGA
(2001) : Use of the TEAMWORK GAME with Multicultural Work Teams In: Musci, Elena: On the Edge of the Millennium: A New Foundation for Gaming Simulation: ISAGA-Conference 2001: Bari: Edizioni B.A. Graphis
(1996) : COMMSPAN: Content and process in multi-cultural communication. A ready-to-use game In: Garcia-Carbonell, Amparo; Watts, Frances (Hg.): Simulation now!: Learning through experience: The Challenge of Change: ISAGA-Conference 1995: Diputacio de Valencia, S. 461-475
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