Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS

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  • 2018

  • Warmelink, Harald (2018) : Towards Playful Organisations. On the Organisational Experiences of Online Gamers In: Hühn, Christian; Zürn, Birgit; Schwägele, Sebastian; Hofmann, Sarah; Trautwein, Friedrich (Hg.): Planspiele - Analyse und Wirkungen: Rückblick auf den Deutschen Planspielpreis 2015 und 2017: Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH (ZMS-Schriftenreihe), S. 53-68

    Abstract: Previous research into online games such as World of Warcraft or EVE Online leads to the question: to what extent do online gamers develop a preference for certain organisational cultures that extends to a choice or preference for work organisations? This chapter uses data obtained from a panel of 95 Dutch working online gamers to develop a first answer to this question. A majority of panellists' responses indicated that their online gaming community was very playfully organised, while only a third indicated that their work organisation was so. In general, the panellists pursue playful organisations in any organisational context. Panellists who are leaders or managers of a work organisation have a higher tendency to find the organisational context different from an online gaming community. Panellists in the most playfully organised communities and in the least playful work organisations tend to find a comparison to the other organisational context of significance. A number of consequences of these results are discussed.

  • 2014

  • Mallon, Adrian (2014) : Townlands: Designing an Online Game to Support a Cross-Community Local-History Project, Bygones and Byways In: Kriz, Willy C.: The Shift from Teaching to Learning: Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning through Gaming Simulation: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 55-65
  • Toyoda, Yusuke (2014) : Gaming as an "effective" tool for community-based disaster reduction In: Kriz, Willy C.: Back to the Future of Gaming: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 100-110
  • Toyoda, Yusuke; Kanegae, Hidehiko; Sakai, Kohei (2014) : Gaming Simulation for Community-Based Disaster Reduction In: Kriz, Willy C.: The Shift from Teaching to Learning: Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning through Gaming Simulation: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 330-344
  • 2003

  • Proctor, Charlene M. (2003) : The use of community-based planning and the policy exercise to explore organizational learning capability In: Percival, Fred; Godfrey, Hellen; Laybourn, Phyllis; Murray, Sarah (Hg.): Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The International Simulation and Gaming Yearbook: ISAGA-Conference 2002: Edinburgh
  • 2001

  • Blecic, Ivan; Cecchini, Arnaldo (2001) : OrMa. A Virtual Community for Orienteering In: Musci, Elena: On the Edge of the Millennium: A New Foundation for Gaming Simulation: ISAGA-Conference 2001: Bari: Edizioni B.A. Graphis, S. 153-155

    Keywords: community, ISAGA
  • 1989

  • Arai, Kiyoshi (1989) : A simple method of scenario-making. Two Japanese cases in community planning In: Klabbers, Jan; Scheper, Willem J.; Takkenberg, Cees; Crookall, David (Hg.): Simulation-Gaming: On the Improvement of Competence in Dealing with Complexity, Uncertainty and Value Conflicts: ISAGA-Conference 1988: Pergamon Press, S. 235-240
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