Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS

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Treffer: 22
  • 2023

  • Kameyama, Yuki; Hamada, Ryoju; Kaneko, Tomomi; Yamamoto, Kento; Nakajima, Kan; Manago, Tomoya (2023) : Development of Car Insurance Game In: Becu, Nicolas: Simulation and Gaming for Social and Environmental Transitions: Proceedings of the 54th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, S. 68-77

    Abstract: We receive enormous benefits from automobiles, but at the same time, we can cause accidents or be the victims. The accident risk is huge, and most people cannot afford to pay for it personally, so most drivers subscribe to car insurance, but most placeholders don't understand the rules. Car Insurance Game (CIG) is a gaming simulation in which players role their lives as drivers for ten years. It follows the grade system, a characteristic idea of the Japanese automobile insurance system. Players must decide whether to use their insurance, accept a premium increase for the following years, or compensate themselves. In two-way accidents, they also match with the other party over the responsibility ratio. Throughout these processes, participants will understand the significance of automobile insurance and will be able to act correctly in the event of an accident in the future. 

  • 2014

  • Patasiene, Irena; Rakickas, Andrius; Skuncikiene, Solveiga; Patasius, Martynas (2014) : Increasing Complexity of Business Simulations and Games is expected in the Future In: Kriz, Willy C.: Back to the Future of Gaming: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 228-241
  • Titton, Luiz Antonio (2014) : The Relation Between Individual, Collective and Organisational Learning Through Business Games in the Management Field In: Kriz, Willy C.: The Shift from Teaching to Learning: Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning through Gaming Simulation: Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, S. 224-245
  • 2012

  • Bazil, Leon (2012): Business Games for Management and Economics. Learning by Playing: World Scientific Publushing Co. Pte. Ltd
  • 2009

  • Bagdonas, Eugenijus; Patasiene, Irena; Dagiene, Valentina; Skvernys, Vytautas; Patasius, Martynas (2009) : Web-based Business Game for multidisciplinary teaching In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 189-194
  • Bajoruniene, Irena; Barsauskiene, Viktorija; Patasiene, Irena; Kazakeviciute, Agne (2009) : The Implementation of Business Game for Stimulating Socially Discriminated People Integration into Labour Market In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 237-242
  • Schulz, Klaus-Peter; Fox, Michael (2009) : Creating Understanding and Meaning across Cultures. Playing a Business Game with Groups from the US, South Africa and Germany In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 257-264
  • Tolordava, Jeanne (2009) : Business Games and Modern Training Technologies in University Education In: Bagadonas, Eugenijus: Games: virtual worlds and reality: Selected Papers of ISAGA 2008: ISAGA-Conference 2008: Kaunas: Technologija, S. 173-178
  • 2005

  • Mastik, Hanneke; Scalzo, Richard (2005) : The Business Game CARTONIA In: Teach, Richard; Narasimhan, Sriram (Hg.): Serious Play: Form, Function, and Fun: ISAGA-Conference 2005: Atlanta: ISAGA
  • 2003

  • Bagdonas, Eugenijus; Patasiene, Irena; Skvernys, Vytautas (2003) : Play business game: learn to design information system In: Percival, Fred; Godfrey, Hellen; Laybourn, Phyllis; Murray, Sarah (Hg.): Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The International Simulation and Gaming Yearbook: ISAGA-Conference 2002: Edinburgh
  • Durham, Martin (2003) : Developing a better business game. Learning from social simulation research and video games In: Percival, Fred; Godfrey, Hellen; Laybourn, Phyllis; Murray, Sarah (Hg.): Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The International Simulation and Gaming Yearbook: ISAGA-Conference 2002: Edinburgh
  • 2001

  • Bagdonas, Eugenijus; Patasiene, Irena; Skvernys, Vytautas (2001) : Instructors' Tool for Administration of Business Game used in Distance Learning In: Musci, Elena: On the Edge of the Millennium: A New Foundation for Gaming Simulation: ISAGA-Conference 2001: Bari: Edizioni B.A. Graphis, S. 99-103
  • Lainema, Timo (2001) : How to Apply Process-Oriented Business Gaming to Information Systems Curriculum In: Musci, Elena: On the Edge of the Millennium: A New Foundation for Gaming Simulation: ISAGA-Conference 2001: Bari: Edizioni B.A. Graphis, S. 106-111
  • Schwartz, Robert G.; Teach, Richard (2001) : Congruence II TM: a Strategic Business Board Game In: Musci, Elena: On the Edge of the Millennium: A New Foundation for Gaming Simulation: ISAGA-Conference 2001: Bari: Edizioni B.A. Graphis, S. 129-131
  • Teach, Richard; Schwartz, Robert G. (2001) : Strategic Business Game. A New Approach In: Rahnu, Leen: Bridging the Information and Knowledge Societies: ISAGA-Conference 2000: Tartu
  • 1994

  • Militaru, Gheorghe; Stancioiu, Ion (1994) : Players' Performance In Business Games In: Radaceanu, Eduard: Reform and Progress helped by Simulation & Gaming: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Bukarest: Iroma, S. 175-182
  • 1992

  • Ichikawa, Arata; Mukuda, Minoru; Inaba, Hideo (1992) : Strategic Decision Making in Business Gaming In: Crookall, David; Arai, Kiyoshi (Hg.): Global Interdependence: Simulation and Gaming Perspectives: ISAGA-Conference 1993: Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, S. 279-286
  • 1968

  • Curtis, Samuel (1968): The Use of a Business Game for Teaching Farm Business Analysis to High School and Adult Students. In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics 50 (4), S. 1025-1033. Online verfügbar unter
  • 1964

  • Bass, Bernhard (1964): Business Gaming for Organizational Research. In: Management Science 10 (3). Online verfügbar unter
  • Barcante, Luiz; Castro Pinto, Fernando; Barcante, Sorelle : Social Responsibility Business Games. Experimental learning in Brazil In: Peters, Vincent; van Westelaken, Marleen de (Hg.): Organizing and Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The 38th Conference: ISAGA-Conference 2007: Nijmegen
  • Reusch, Peter : Preparation, Application and Integration of Business Games and Simulation In: Peters, Vincent; van Westelaken, Marleen de (Hg.): Organizing and Learning through Gaming and Simulation: The 38th Conference: ISAGA-Conference 2007: Nijmegen