Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS

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  • 2018

  • Leigh, Elyssebeth; Tipton, Elizabeth Jane (2018) : Transitions - From Deterministic to Probabilistic Learning Conditions. #NAME? In: Lukosch, Heide; Bekebrede, Geertje; Kortmann, Rens (Hg.): Simulation Gaming: Application for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures: 48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017: Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 181-190

    Abstract: When human beings congregate - whether in meetings, public places,
    urban environments or learning contexts - there is a need for management
    of the emotional content of the milieu. In many situations this is a personal and
    private task and its enactment does not intrude on others. In simulations this task
    is - to varying degrees - deferred to the facilitator. When simulations and
    game-based activities are used for social change purposes a specific set of
    (usually) unspoken assumptions must be identified and controlled for. This
    paper explores the role of the facilitator in regard to the knowledge and capabilities
    required to successfully engage the diversity of interests and embedded
    assumptions which shape and inform the actions of all those present (including

  • Lukosch, Heide; Bekebrede, Geertje; Kortmann, Rens (Hg.) (2018): Simulation Gaming. Application for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures. 48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG

    Abstract: Simulation and gaming have proven their value in contributing to the analysis and
    design of so-called complex systems, such as the development of sustainable cities and
    smart infrastructures. Numerous examples of games about urban planning, intelligent
    transport systems, social cohesion, and other related themes have been developed,
    played, and studied in the past years. In the International Simulation and Gaming
    Association (ISAGA) Conference 2017, we aimed at taking the current state of affairs
    one step further and move toward a comprehensive theory of simulation games for
    sustainable cities and smart infrastructures. During the conference, which was held
    jointly by ISAGA and SAGANET (Simulation and Gaming Association The Netherlands),
    hosted by Delft University of Technology, science met practice, and many
    academic as well as practice-based games and concepts were presented and discussed.
    The result of the scientific contributions is presented in this LNCS book.
    The contributions to this book range from design thinking related to simulation
    gaming, the analysis of the consequences of design choices in games, to games for
    decision-making, examples of games for business, climate change, maritime spatial
    planning, sustainable city development, supply chain, and team work factors, up to
    games that facilitate (organizational) learning processes or are used for attitude measurement,
    and the use of VR technologies in games, not to forget the role of de-briefing
    in the game process.
    In the section "Design and Development," the focus is on the design process of
    simulation games. The articles show the importance of design choices and the influences
    of these choices on the game's effectiveness. They also highlight the role of the
    designer as well as the use of accepted design concepts and approaches. In the section
    "Planning and Policy," games are presented that serve as support tool for
    policy-making processes. The articles describe how stakeholders can be engaged in a
    decision-making process, and how games can facilitate the participation of and discourse
    between them. The perception of games as well as their use for (organizational)
    learning processes is discussed in the contributions in the section "Games and Simulations."
    Learner activation and individual value of games in learning processes are
    topics discussed along with concrete examples of games facilitating, e.g., knowledge
    development in the field of supply chain management. In the next section, we give
    room to the relatively new and yet underexplored field of "Games as Research
    Instruments." The contributions show how games can serve as research instruments
    themselves, and how they can be combined with other research measures in order to
    provide both a rich feedback to participants and researchers and a rigid research set-up
    for measurement of, e.g.. participants' attitudes in the transportation domain. Games
    that are used for learning processes are discussed in the last section, "Learning." The
    authors introduce theoretical concepts of games as a learning instrument, from
    assessment to conditions for learning, up to the role of de-briefing.
    Thus, the 20 selected articles discuss game methodologies for the design and
    research of and with games, applications of gaming to tackle the grand challenges of
    our society as well as to support learning processes and policy development, new
    insights in interface and interaction designs for games, and evaluated applications of
    games in real-world settings.
    The present collection of articles represents current advances in the field of simulation
    and gaming, which were presented and discussed at a very constructive and
    energetic conference in Delft, the Netherlands. The editors wish to thank all contributors
    to this book, reviewers of the articles, as well as all participants of the ISAGA
    2017 conference for adding to this important and still-growing field of research that is
    strongly related to its application domains. We also want to thank Maria Freese and
    Shalini Kurapati, who helped us process all contributions to the conference. We look
    forward to future exchanges and further advancements of our exciting field of research
    and design of simulation games!

    Beiträge zu diesem Sammelband:
  • Muricho Onencan, Abby; van de Walle, Bartel (2018) : Designing Disaster Diplomacy in the Context of a Climate Change Water Game In: Lukosch, Heide; Bekebrede, Geertje; Kortmann, Rens (Hg.): Simulation Gaming: Application for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures: 48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017: Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, S. 43-57

    Abstract: In this paper, we explore how a climate change game can be
    designed to enhance trans-boundary water partnerships between governments
    and provide a window of opportunity to challenge the status quo, leading to
    change. The primary focus of the paper is to discuss a theoretical framework that
    utilizes "Disaster Diplomacy" as a pre-disaster capacity development tool for
    policymakers. The Nile Basin by 2050 scenarios, guided us in the design of the
    theoretical framework. The framework established a foundation for the design of
    the climate change game known as Nile WeShareIt. This game was played in
    October 2014, with policymakers from the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, in
    Nairobi, Kenya. Findings indicate that climate change games may challenge the
    current perceptions of normality and possibly lead to increased situation
    awareness, trust, and collaboration. Future work will entail redesigning the
    game, based on the initial outcomes and its application in the river Nzoia
    catchment, in West-Kenya.

  • 1990

  • Schöne, Roland (1990) : Eine Methodik zur Effektivitätsanalyse des Einsatzes von rechnergestützten Planspielen in der Aus- und Weiterbildung In: Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar: Sonderheft zur ISAGA-Conference: ISAGA-Conference 1989: 4: Weimar, S. 176-177
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