Planspiel-Literaturdatenbank des ZMS

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Treffer: 30
  • 2014

  • Bremson, Joel (2014) : Representing Qualitative Aspects of Vehicle Purcuase Decision-Making in a Simulation Game on Alternative Fuel and Vehicle Transitions In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 201-205
  • Eckartz, Silja; Katsma, Christiaan (2014) : A Negotiation Game to Support Inter-organizational Business Case Development In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 114-120
  • Fedoseev, Alexey; Vdovenko, Daria (2014) : Playing Science: Role-Playing Games as a Way to Enter Scientific Activity In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer
  • Frank, Anders (2014) : Achieving Game Goals at All Costs?. The Effect of Reward Structures on Tactics Employed in Educational Military Wargaming In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 13-20
  • Guenaga, Mariluz; Menchaca, Iratxe; Ortiz de Guinea, Alex; Dziabenko, Olga; Garcia-Zubi­a, Javier; Salazar, Mikel (2014) : Serious Games, Remote Laboratories and Augmented Reality to Develop and Assess Programming Skills In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 29-36
  • Henriksen, Thomas Duus (2014) : Challenges to Designing Game-Based Business In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 247-252
  • Hense, Jan; Klevers, Markus; Sailer, Michael; Horenburg, Tim; Mandl, Heinz; Günthner, Willibald (2014) : Using Gamification to Enhance Staff Motivation in Logistics In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 206-213
  • Hoeborn, Gabriele; Bredtmann, Jennifer (2014) : EfeU: Decision Making Concerning Company Strategy In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 37-43
  • Johansson, Magnus; Straat, Björn; Warpefelt, Henrik; Verhagen, Harko (2014) : Analyzing the Social Dynamics of Non-Player Characters In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 173-187
  • Kikkawa, Toshiko (2014) : A Grassroots Gaming Simulation. The Case of "Crossroad" In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 148-152
  • Kortmann, Rens; van Daalen, Els; Mayer, Igor; Bekebrede, Geertje (2014) : Embodied Interactions in a Servant-Leadership Game In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 44-51
  • Leigh, Elyssebeth (2014) : Identifying the Competencies and Capabilities of Simulation Professionals In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 253-264
  • Lo, Julia; Meijer, Sebastiaan (2014) : Gaming Simulation Design for Individual and Team Situation Awareness In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 121-128
  • Lo, Julia; Meijer, Sebastiaan; Jonker, Catholijn (2014) : Modeling Network Controller Decisions Based Upon Situation Awareness through Agent-Based Negotiation In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 191-200
  • Lukosch, Heide; van Bussel, Roy; Meijer, Sebastiaan (2014) : A Serious Game Design Combining Simulation and Sandbox Approaches In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 52-59
  • Lukosch, Heide; van Nuland, Bas; van Ruijven, Theo; van Veen, Linda; Verbraeck, Alexander (2014) : Building a Virtual World for Team Work Improvement In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 60-68
  • Mes, Martijn; Iacob, Maria-Eugenia; van Hillegersberg, Jos (2014) : A Distributed Barge Planning Game In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 214-221
  • Mizuyama, Hajime; Torigai, Shuhei; Anse, Michiko (2014) : A Prediction Market Game to Route Selection under Uncertainty In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 223-230
  • Piu, Angela; Fregola, Cesare (2014) : Transcoding Pattern and Simulation Games in Learning Geometry - A Research in Primary School In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 20-28
  • Plorin, Daniel; Müller, Egon (2014) : Developing an Ambient Assisted Living Environment Applying the advanced Learning Factory (aLF). A Conceptual Approach for the Practical Use in the Research Project A²LICE In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 69-76
  • Raghothama, Jayanth; Meijer, Sebastiaan (2014) : A Review of Gaming Simulation in Transportation In: Meijer, Sebastiaan; Smeds, Riitta (Hg.): Frontiers in Gaming Simulation: 44th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management: ISAGA-Conference 2013: Stockholm, Heidelberg: Springer, S. 237-244